Fall Lecture Series 2018
The Five Books of Moses: A journey through the Pentateuch
Session 1: Genesis 1-11 (The Tower of Babel)
Session 2: Genesis 12-22 (The Abraham Cycle)
Session 3: Genesis 25-35 (The Jacob/ Israel Cycle)
Session 4: Genesis 37-50 (The Joseph & Judah Story)
Session 5: Exodus 1-15 (The Exodus Proper)
Session 6: Exodus 12-15 (The Passover Feast)
Session 7: Exodus Overview (Moses as Mediator)
Session 8: Leviticus 1-10
Session 9: Leviticus 1-10, Part II
Session 10: Leviticus 10-26
Session 11: Numbers
Session 12: Numbers 5-6 (The Purity Laws)
About the Speaker
Dr. L. Michael Morales is Professor of Biblical Studies at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and a teaching elder in the PCA. He and his wife, Elise, have four boys. He received his Ph.D. from Trinity College in Bristol, U.K., under the supervision of Gordon Wenham, and has written The Tabernacle Pre-Figured, and Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord? A Biblical Theology of Leviticus, among other publications. Michael is currently working on a biblical theology book called Exodus and Redemption and on a commentary on the book of Numbers.