Fall Lecture Series 2019


Knowing the Trinity



In an interactive series of nine classes, Dr. McGraw will lead us through the Scriptures in exploration of the triune nature of God.  First, a practical application of the Trinity to our personal and devotional lives.  Next, a look at each person of  the Trinity's role in our salvation.  Then, a look at the Trinity in each of the important stages of Christ's ministry.  Finally, a detailed look at the Trinity in the sacraments.

Session 1: Why Does the Trinity Matter?


Session 2: How does the Father save us?


Session 4: How does the Spirit save us?


Session 5: The Trinity in Christ's Incarnation


Session 6: The Trinity in the work of Christ


Session 7: The Trinity in Christ's Death


Session 8: The Trinity in Christ's Resurrection


Session 9: The Trinity in the Sacraments



About the Speaker

Ryan M. McGraw (PhD) is Morton H. Smith Professor of Systematic Theology and Academic Dean at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. He has written more than 20 books and numerous articles, including Knowing the Trinity; Christ's Glory, Your Good; Is the Trinity Practical?; The Foundation of Communion with God: The Trinitarian Piety of John Owen; and A Heavenly Directory: Trinitarian Piety, Public Worship, and a Reassessment of John Owen's Theology.

He is married to Krista and they have 4 children (Owen, Calvin, Jonathan, and Callie). He is Assistant Book Review Editor for Puritan Reformed Theological Journal, contributes regularly to meetthepuritans.com, and is Adjunct Professor of Doctoral Studies at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. Ryan is from Huntington Beach, CA, and enjoys skateboarding with his family.

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